Our work together begins with dialogue.
What future are you working to create? What are your group’s strengths and challenges? What is changing in your operating environment? What core values are animating your mission? Who are your partners? How do you sustain your work?
I am committed to understanding your specific context and respecting the knowledge already present within your team, organization and network. My facilitation and consulting services are customized and relationship-based, rooted in the following core values and guiding principles:
Creating welcoming and inclusive environments. Lifting up reciprocity. Recognizing and integrating cultural and other differences as sources of strength.
Racial Equity
Acknowledging privilege and the impact of systemic racism. Challenging and transforming barriers to personal, organizational and structural racism. See my racial equity lens.
Recognizing that we are all students and teachers in a context of continual change. Creating spaces for ah ha moments, innovation and breakthroughs.
Encouraging creative expression and the power of stories to unleash the potential of individuals and groups.
Facilitating processes for effective joint action and co-creation. Tapping individual and collective wisdom.
Commons Stewardship
Encouraging systems awareness and efforts to strengthen our commons. Catalyzing collaboration in service of life.