“The departure of our founding Executive Director after nine years came at a busy time. I really didn't know how we were going to handle a search! Paula made our process very polished, very thorough, and a great experience for the Board and candidates alike.”
— Board President (Portland, OR)
“You facilitated the best search experience I have ever experienced…My career arc has been transformed by this positive experience and this new leadership opportunity.”
— First-Time CEO (Portland, OR)
“I want to compliment you on the quality of your service. You’ve led us through this entire leadership transition with assurance and given us clarity and confidence as we take these important next steps.”
— Board Member (Providence, RI)
“Thank you for your help with our executive succession planning effort. I feel such a sense of relief. I no longer feel that this is all on my shoulders.”
— Long-Term Executive Director (Portland, OR)